A series of projects done for Adobe across live events & conferences, webinars, on-site demos and more! These projects range in theme and subject matter. In each case, I was responsible for the entire project start to finish as these are meant as a showcase for the singular event. Concept sketches, modeling, materials and colors, videos were all created by me.

A simple little alien spider created live at Monsterpalooza 2022. The clean clay models were done live on site and the textured version was finished in Painter and C4D+Redshift.

A simple robot made to showcase Adobe Substance Modeler for an online webinar. Robot was made using VR model in Modeler, finished in Painter and animated & rendered in C4D+Redshift.
A simple robot made to showcase Adobe Substance Modeler for an online webinar. Robot was made using VR model in Modeler, finished in Painter and animated & rendered in C4D+Redshift.

A quick promotional video showcasing the robot going from the raw clay render to fully painted asset. The robot was meant to be simple and clean to draw in a crowd that was new to 3D, and was approachable.
A lounge chair project meant to showcase Substance Stager. Chair was modeled in C4D, textured in Painter, and rendered in Stager.